Vaperz Cloud and Suicide mods have teamed up to produce what could be explained as the best looking DNA400 device on the market today, beartrayal and pennywise have been seen before within suicide mods products back in the 3d printed box mod days, and now they are back with a shiny new body and chipset.
The Hammer Of God DNA400 is a beast within its own right taking ideas from the mechanical HOG devices and adding a chipset creates a 400w power house that is powered by QUAD 18650 batteries (Not Included) all batteries are set in a series configuration to increase the wattage output.
The chipset that is being used is commonly seen in DNA250c devices that operate on 2 batteries, adding the extra two batteries adds an impressive 150w's!
The Hammer Of God DNA400 provides some great features all thanks to the Evolve DNA250c chipset that is being used. The DNA series boards have been a long standing chipset within the high end vaping market due to its stability and customisation.
The Evolve DNA250c is a power regulation board created by Evolve that is capable of with standing and regulating wattage of upto 400w and has some really nice features included the USB On-The-Go which allows for users to charge external devices via the Device itself. although the HOG400 has a customs HOG design this can be changed to your own preference via the Evolve EScribe 2.0 and theme designer software that can be found on the Evolvapor website, Escribe can be used to customer the user interface and also to monitor the user experience.
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